Affiliate Marketing News & Insights | AlienCPA
Industry News
13 jul, 2023
Case study: 35805 USD on gambling offer via Facebook
Hola, guys! Have you already run affiliate traffic for iOS? For the first time, webview iOS apps were seriously developed at the end of 2019. There are three methods to run traffic in this niche: organic, ASO, and web2app (Justlink/Onelink). Justlink is a unique technology you can track (track) the advertising path of 98% of users, bypassing iOS 14+ restrictions. We've examined the TeamFive case, the material turned out to be excellent. Let's go!
3 minutes read
Advertising Platforms
14 mar, 2023
Best Affiliate Marketing Cases Of 2022. Summing Up And Revealing TOP-20 Cases For Gambling, Crypto, PDL, Nutra, And New Offer Types
Howdy guys! You definitely want to know what gained profit in 2022: which sources ran rapidly and what fell off during the trial tests. It's time to sum up the results of the affiliate marketing year, and we will do this with the best cases of 2022. Which channels generated traffic for crypto, nutra, gambling, adult and new offer types. Which GEOs were exploited to run traffic, based on the success stories of the media buying teams and CPA lords.
9 minutes read