Affiliate Marketing News & Insights | AlienCPA
Industry News
17 jul, 2023
Case study: 191025 USD on Gummy Bears via Facebook
Hello, guys! Have you ever heard about AdHive affiliate marketing team? AdHive's publisher shared the post where he showed a fantastic case study in the nutra niche for France, Germany and the USA GEO's. In Tier-1 countries, people try to take care of their health and often consume dietary supplements, so the nutra niche is the most accurate choice. Let's examine this case together with AlienCPA team!
2 minutes read
Industry News
13 jul, 2023
Case study: 35805 USD on gambling offer via Facebook
Hola, guys! Have you already run affiliate traffic for iOS? For the first time, webview iOS apps were seriously developed at the end of 2019. There are three methods to run traffic in this niche: organic, ASO, and web2app (Justlink/Onelink). Justlink is a unique technology you can track (track) the advertising path of 98% of users, bypassing iOS 14+ restrictions. We've examined the TeamFive case, the material turned out to be excellent. Let's go!
3 minutes read
Industry News
16 jun, 2023
Case Study 6,380 USD via W-LOSS and Switzerland Geo
Hola, guys! AlienCPA team in touch! And we have prepared new sweets for you. This time, Private Profit team decided to share with you one of the spring 2023 case study. Nutra is not their primary focus in affiliate marketing, but these boys wanted to test it. How it would go was interesting, because the summer season is coming soon and the offer should be relevant.
2 minutes read
Industry News
21 may, 2023
Three creos and a dozens of mistakes: creos analytics for Germany
Howdy guys! It's AlienCPA team in touch. We've been examining affiliate marketing cases for donkey's times. In 2023, the publisher's life is a little more complicated, but the knowledge and experience still help to make cash from various sources. Today, we'll analyze TOP-3 creos for Germany GEO and how these accumulated affiliate traffic for one of the CIS publishers. Let's get down to business.
6 minutes read