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Three creos and a dozens of mistakes: creos analytics for Germany

Howdy guys! It's AlienCPA team in touch. We've been examining affiliate marketing cases for donkey's times. In 2023, the publisher's life is a little more complicated, but the knowledge and experience still help to make cash from various sources. Today, we'll analyze TOP-3 creos for Germany GEO and how these accumulated affiliate traffic for one of the CIS publishers. Let's get down to business.
Three creos and a dozens of mistakes: creos analytics for Germany
The final ROI mainly depends on the offer and the creative. Pubisher has already done an analysis of offers and landings, there are posts in his Telegram channel. And today we want to go over the creatives. We hope our material with comments on typical geo-based creatives will help you avoid mistakes and improve both the conversion and the quality of your traffic. In this analysis, we will show creos for Germany - it is better to concentrate on one GEO and assess the level of competition within a particular country. 

Creo #1

Let's start with the image. The approach is as old as Britain's monarchy itself. On the left side is a bank notification about the money transfer, on the right side is a correspondence with a friend: bragging and demonstration of the app.

Three creos and a dozens of mistakes: creos analytics for Germany
Everything new is well-forgotten old. The approach itself is quite working, but publishers no longer use it for Tier-1 GEO. Also, you should not make such creatives for offers where ads are quality-strict.

Another important point about the application is that its design is shown in the creo and this is a good step that raises click2install option. But we must not forget to change the design of the application in the picture after each swap of app, otherwise, the same click2install will be lost.

The correspondence itself should also be as human as possible. Let's look at the screen. A person texts that he earned 9,887.6 euros in 5 minutes. If you are asked how much you earned in a month, you look at your phone, you will see that 333,333.43 USD have arrived on the card - how will you answer? Most likely, 333,000. Or 333,300. The most stuffy ones will write down 333,333. But no one will write a penny. This is just an example of how you can clearly show a person in the text that the correspondence is fake. There are always few elements in the pictures - it’s quite easy to make each believable.

Never hesitate to show your creatives to the affiliate network manager. Even the most experienced buyers coordinate creatives with the manager, as he will better tell if the video/image is suitable for a your advertiser. In addition, in this way, the responsibility for quality is removed from the buyer / team

Creo #2

Germany is a Tier-1 geo, so the quality of creo plays a key role here. The most complex, expensive, but also converting creos are newsrooms. Let's see an example. First, the host in the news studio tells that people in the mobile application win millions of euros.

Three creos and a dozens of mistakes: creos analytics for Germany
In the image above, the voice matches the narrator's lips well. This is an important point that affects on conversion. A good designer will select suitable clips, but this part of the work is the most difficult and creates high prices for such creos. Next is the voiceover. We are shown how the film crew is going to the winner.

Three creos and a dozens of mistakes: creos analytics for Germany
Look at him!

Three creos and a dozens of mistakes: creos analytics for Germany
Quick transition to cash clip!

Three creos and a dozens of mistakes: creos analytics for Germany
The next clip is a demonstration of a luxurious life: the winner driving a Mercedes.

Three creos and a dozens of mistakes: creos analytics for Germany
Game slot clip.

Three creos and a dozens of mistakes: creos analytics for Germany
There are questions for this part. The gameplay should be so the audience understands we are talking about a casino. Therefore, people will download this game's application, but it won’t be in the casino. This is called mislead. After a few seconds, we see a big win on the screen, a push flies, and the banking application opens, where the money is already in your bank acc!
Three creos and a dozens of mistakes: creos analytics for Germany
The next is a demonstration of a bank receipt with a million sum! 

Three creos and a dozens of mistakes: creos analytics for Germany
Then the video ends. There is no call to download the application at all. Creo is mediocre. On the one hand, the coincidence of lips movement and voice acting is cool. But on the other hand:
  • Poor choice of game mechanics;
  • Dozens of useless boring clips;
  • No emotions;
  • Few triggers for a customer;
  • There is no clear call to action.

Creo #3

It's not about a news host. Some creos have been stolen from TikTok. First clip:

Three creos and a dozens of mistakes: creos analytics for Germany
This is Plinko. An ordinary game, which publishers turned into a gamble to bypass strict moderation in TikTok. But for FB, the trigger on the casino is very weak.

In addition, this is a mislead; we have not yet seen such slots in a casino. Nevertheless, the balls are falling, and for some reason, this means that the person has won money. Banknotes drop, and players catch a bliss.

Three creos and a dozens of mistakes: creos analytics for Germany
During the next 9 seconds, banknotes just drop, and players rejoice. Then an instant transition to a bank screenshot, which is also shown on the iPhone. The template screenshot is terrible for conversion. Ordinary people operate the app daily and immediately catch that they are being deceived when they see a template interface with only a real bank logo.

Three creos and a dozens of mistakes: creos analytics for Germany
The last image is so-so. Offer logo, call to download the app and get a bonus. It is better to describe the bonus conditions in more detail, but this option is also normal.

Three creos and a dozens of mistakes: creos analytics for Germany
This is where the creos ends. To sum up - it's a weak exampele. There is a lot of mislead info and few triggers, and those that are are weak. Pros: only emotions and the last screen with a bonus and CTA.


Even though Germany is a highly competitive Tier-1 GEO, here you can easily make money, as most publishers run traffic with problem creos. That's all!
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