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Influencers: these are new advertisements in affiliate marketing. Why does affiliate marketing differ overseas?

Howdy guys! Let's dig deeper and examine the portrait of a merchant in affiliate traffic. Why you should reconsider your project methods if you plan to look for partners in the US and Europe, why many affiliate programs you know have disguised as “marketing agencies”, and how to keep up with the pace of CPA evolution.
Influencers: these are new advertisements in affiliate marketing. Why does affiliate marketing differ overseas?
Affiliate traffic or affiliate marketing is almost the same: a type of marketing where you earn by attracting traffic for your funds to affiliate products / services, receiving payment for targeted action.

This model of cooperation has been working in the USA for decades; companies do not see anything seditious or forbidden in affiliate traffic; it is just one of the ways to get sales, honestly giving % of the transaction to the one who brought these sales.

Influencers: these are new advertisements in affiliate marketing. Why does affiliate marketing differ overseas?
Affiliate marketing is gaining more credibility and popularity every year. Small business owners, CEOs, influencers, and startups all try to link with a webmaster, media buying team, or affiliate marketing agency.

The current size of the global affiliate marketing field is $19 billion (2019), in 2016 this rate was at the level of $13 billion. The US market takes $6.82 billion.

Influencers: these are new advertisements in affiliate marketing. Why does affiliate marketing differ overseas? Companies that apply for affiliate marketing services report the best traffic and sales growth dynamics. For example, color cosmetics brand Hourglass increased traffic by 178% thanks to its partnership with an affiliate program. The company corresponds positively about the transparent work with the affiliate program, which transmits data on where the traffic comes from, how customers behave online and in retail stores, and which channels bring more sales.

More and more small entrepreneurs who start their businesses through social networks are turning to affiliate marketing to increase sales. However, several mini-brands are ready to pay a commission for cooperation with an affiliate network, so self-affiliate programs are becoming increasingly common. 

Why do affiliate networks reorganized into agencies?

As you have noticed, numerous affiliate programs are changing their positioning in the network. You might have come across the names: performance marketing, marketing agency, affiliate network.

Standart affiliate networks are expanding their influence on the merchants and webmasters, taking on the full support of each of the parties. The affiliate program has enough working resources to connect merchants to the offer category in which the affiliate network specializes. Frequently, there is an internal media buying process, which initially provides a traffic flow and conducts tests as well as initial evaluation of offers. There are technical resources to set up the transfer of statistics, verification of sources, preparation of creatives, etc. For the webmaster, operations with offers remains unchanged, the affiliate program still takes on KPI, checking traffic from the publisher, payments and regulation of contentious issues. Experience and cooperation with advertising networks, as an agency, allows you to buy traffic on favorable terms for all GEOs at once, shed traffic with your team and thereby provide the merchant with a service as a marketing agency.

Is there a place for a solo publisher in affiliate marketing?

The question is windy because everything depends on positioning. If you have enough traffic and budgets to cover the demands of several customers, name your services performance marketing or affiliate marketing and connect merchants to your affiliate program. You remember that at the same Affise, affiliate networks is assembled without any problems.

If you don’t have immense budgets, but you want to run traffic for merchants, link to those ads that have a self-affiliate program. And if you make your first steps in affiliate marketing, and would like to operate with the merchants right away, you can connect to one of the major international affiliate programs, by the way, you can choose CPA network in our catalog: Amazon Assosiates, Ebay Affiliate Program and others are in the catalog of affiliate programs.
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