The Ultimate Guide to Reddit Advertising Specs

As an affiliate marketer, PPC specialist, webmaster, SEO expert or just a general marketer you know how important getting your ads right is. Understanding the various reddit ad sizes is crucial for optimizing your campaigns. Reddit with its massive and engaged user base is a great platform to reach potential customers. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Reddit Ad Specs, including video ads, image ads, and text ads, so your campaigns are optimized for success.

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Why Reddit?

Reddit has over 430 million active users, it’s a goldmine for marketers looking to reach niche communities. Unlike other social media platforms, Reddit communities (subreddits) are super targeted, so you can place your ads exactly where you want to.
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Reddit Ad Best Practices. Reddit Ad Specs

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Reddit Ad Specs. What size should Reddit Ad Types be?

Promoted Posts
 Reddit Ad Sizes and Ad Specs:

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Image Ads:
Video Ads:
Text Ads:
  Banner Ads
Reddit Ad Sizes and Ad Specs:
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Carousel Ads
Reddit Ad Sizes and Ad Specs:
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What Ratio Are Reddit Ad Types?

Understanding the aspect ratios for Reddit ads is crucial for ensuring that your visuals display correctly across different devices and placements. Here’s a breakdown of the recommended aspect ratios based on the ad formats:

Image Ad specs:
  Video Ads:
  Carousel Ads:
 By adhering to these ratios, you can optimise your ad visuals to create a more engaging experience for users, thereby increasing the likelihood of interaction and conversion.

Reddit Ad Specs. What are the Dimensions for Reddit Ad Types?

To ensure your ads appear optimally across various placements on Reddit, it’s important to know the specific dimensions required for each ad format. Below is a detailed overview of the dimensions you should adhere to:

Promoted Posts
Banner Ads
Carousel Reddit Ads
 By adhering to these dimensions, you can enhance the visibility and effectiveness of your ads in capturing user attention on Reddit.

How Long Can a Reddit Video Be?

A reddit video ad can be any length to suit your marketing goals, with a maximum of 15 minutes. We recommend 30 seconds for best engagement. Shorter videos capture more attention and allow you to get your message across while keeping the viewer engaged. Focus on delivering impactful content within the recommended time and get your viewers to take action from your ads.

Best Practices for Reddit Image Ads

To get the most out of your Reddit image ads consider:By following these best practices you can get more out of your Reddit image ads and get more user engagement.

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Ad Targeting and Options on Social Media Platform Reddit Ads

Targeting is key to your Reddit ads. Reddit has many targeting options to help you reach the users that will engage with your content.

Engaging with users in comment threads can significantly enhance the performance of your ads by fostering organic interactions.

1. Interest Targeting
You can target users based on their interests and reach audiences that participate in specific subreddits or content related to a topic.

2. Location Targeting
You can also target by location, which is useful for businesses that want to target local customers or run location specific promotions.

3. Demographic Targeting
Advertisers can further refine their target demographics by selecting age ranges, gender and other relevant characteristics to get their ads in front of the right audience.

4. Device Targeting
With more mobile users, Reddit allows you to target ads based on the device users are browsing from, desktop or mobile.

5. Retargeting Options
Use retargeting options to reconnect with users who have interacted with your brand before. This is a great way to convert users who have already shown interest.

By using these targeting options you can create more relevant and engaging ads on Reddit and get better ad performance and ROI.

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What types of ads work on Reddit Ad?

When advertising on Reddit, you need to know what types of ads work. Since users love rich media, a video ad can quickly grab attention on Reddit. Here are some to try:

1. Sponsored Posts on Reddit Ad
Sponsored posts look like regular Reddit posts and fit in with the content users are engaging with. These ads can be image, video or text based and are great for sparking discussions as they use Reddit’s community driven nature. Marketers should craft content that invites comments and interactions and use the platform’s conversational tone.

2. Video Ads
Since users love rich media, video ads have taken off on Reddit. Short, story telling or product focused videos can grab attention quickly. Since they have higher engagement rates videos should be short and sweet and ideally 30 seconds or less.

3. Carousel Ads
Carousel ads allow you to show multiple images or videos in one ad unit and create an interactive experience. This is great for showcasing multiple products or features and get users to swipe through the content. The visual of carousel ads can increase engagement and keep the audience’s attention longer.

4. Text Ads
Text ads can be simple but effective, they appear in the sidebar of Reddit pages. They should have a strong, concise message and a clear call to action. They may not get as much interaction as image or video ads but are great for direct responses so good for driving traffic to external websites.

Try out these ad types and look at the engagement metrics to find what works best for your target audience on Reddit.

Reddit Ads Cost and Pricing

Knowing the Reddit ad costs and pricing structure is crucial for businesses to get the most out of their ad budget. Reddit uses a bidding system where advertisers set a maximum cost per thousand impressions (CPM) or cost per click (CPC). Here are the pricing factors to consider:

1. Bidding on Reddit Ad
You can choose between CPM and CPC bidding. CPM is good for brand awareness campaigns and CPC is good for direct response campaigns. Setting competitive bids is important to make sure your ads show. Reddit's bidding system is unique compared to other social media platform options, offering flexibility in ad spend.

2. Minimum Spend
There is a minimum spend required to launch a campaign on Reddit. This can vary depending on the targeting options you choose and the total ad budget. Check the latest guidelines on Reddit Ads Manager for more details.

3. Daily Budget
Reddit allows you to set daily budgets to control your spend. By setting a maximum amount to spend each day you can make sure your budget lasts throughout the campaign without overspending.

4. Pricing Variance by Targeting
Pricing can vary by targeting. For example, competitive keywords or demographics may have higher bids and affect overall campaign cost. Check performance and adjust targeting to optimize spend.

5. Performance
Check your campaign performance using Reddit’s analytics to see which ads are giving you the best return on investment (ROI). Adjust your bids and strategies based on that.

By knowing the cost and pricing structure of Reddit ads, businesses can plan their ad strategy better and reach their target audience while controlling their budget.

What is a Category Takeover on Reddit?

A category takeover on Reddit is an ad strategy where brands can have top visibility across multiple subreddits within a category for a set period. This involves showing a brand’s ads or promotional content at the top of relevant subreddits so users within that category see the brand in their feed.

By leveraging the high traffic and active user engagement of popular categories, marketers can increase brand awareness and drive traffic to their website. This also encourages community engagement as takeovers spark conversations around the brand within the context of the category.

Which Takeover is best for making sure specific communities see your posts on Reddit?

To reach targeted communities on Reddit, a Subreddit Takeover is usually the way to go. This allows brands to show their ads within specific subreddits that are relevant to their product or service.

By tailoring content to the individual culture and preferences of those communities, marketers can make their posts resonate with users. A Subreddit Takeover helps brands to capture engaged audiences, increase visibility and have meaningful interactions within the community.

Also, it’s recommended to combine this with targeted messaging and content that matches the subreddit’s theme to increase the chances of positive engagement and drive traffic to the destination.

What is a Reddit Megapost?

A Reddit megapost is a long, in-depth piece of content on the platform, usually to provide information, guides or discussions on a specific topic. These posts are longer than regular submissions and include images, links and embedded media to engage users.

Megaposts are structured with headings and subheadings so users can easily read and navigate through the content. Because of their depth and informative nature, they can get a lot of attention, spark conversations and get a lot of upvotes and comments. When done well, a megapost can establish the author as an expert in the community and provide valuable insights to other users.

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What is a Reddit Conversation Ad?

A Reddit conversation ad is an ad format designed to drive engagement through user conversations. This type of ad allows brands to start conversations by asking users to ask questions, share their experiences or provide feedback on the product or service being advertised.

By presenting the ad as a regular post, brands can tap into the community’s natural desire for conversation and storytelling. Conversation ads include relevant imagery or video content and a thought-provoking prompt to encourage users to participate.

This format increases engagement rates and helps brands gather insights and build community around their offerings. With authentic interactions, conversation ads can increase brand visibility and user connection on the platform.


Reddit advertising offers a unique opportunity to reach highly engaged communities. By following the ad specs and best practices outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to creating effective ad campaigns that drive results.