AdsPower: Antidetect Browser For Multi-Accs Managing On Various Platforms

Hey guys! The evolution of technology never ceases to delight and surprise with opportunities, but publishers still have redevelop a large amount of routine. Uploading numerous Facebook accounts and monitoring takes time and patience. These problems can be solved by AdsPower, an antidetect browser with advanced features for publishers, such as pack accs import, RPA robot, and browser fingerprint settings. Despite the number of possibilities for the service, few know about it yet. We take the situation into our own hands and explain why AdsPower is tremendous and is worth operating with this browser.

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What is AdsPower?

AdsPower is a company that offers a suite of tools designed to help individuals and businesses engage in online advertising campaigns while maintaining their anonymity and avoiding detection by ad networks. One of their key offerings is the Antidetect browser, which is a specially designed web browser that provides users with a high degree of anonymity when browsing the web.
This antidetect browser is designed to prevent tracking and fingerprinting by ad networks and other entities that may be monitoring user activity online. It does this by using a variety of techniques, such as spoofing user agent strings, blocking cookies and scripts, and rotating IP addresses. This can make it difficult for ad networks to track and target users with ads, and can help users avoid being identified or blocked by certain websites.

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While the Antidetect browser may be useful for some individuals and businesses looking to engage in online advertising campaigns, it is worth noting that the use of such tools may be prohibited by certain ad networks and could potentially violate the terms of service of some websites. Additionally, the effectiveness of such tools may vary depending on the specific techniques used by ad networks and other monitoring entities. As with any technology, it is important for users to exercise caution and use such tools responsibly.

Moreover, AdsPower provides such unique features as:


AdsPower features

You are already probably a little shocked by the possibilities of AdsPower, but its features do not end there. So, briefly, the list of AdsPower features:
The list looks amazing. But the next info should please you even more: AdsPower can be tested for free. So, further, we tell how to register for the service and show its filling.


How to register on AdsPower

To register for the Antidetect browser, follow these steps:
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How to operate with AdsPower

AdsPower antidetect browser is a specially designed web browser that provides users with a high degree of anonymity when browsing the web. It is primarily used for online advertising campaigns, but can also be used for other purposes where anonymity is desired.

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Inside AdsPower, we recommend clicking on the “Groups” section. Conditional folders are created here, according to which you will further sort your cabinets. Click on the "New Group" button.

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Then you set a convenient name for the group and save it. 

Go to the "New profile" section. And here the journey begins - exporting accounts. The gimmick about AdsPower is that it has several options for uploading accounts:
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After that, the AdsPower system will prompt you to select the necessary platform (FB, Amazon, AliExpress and a dozen more sites to choose from), register the required number of accounts, specify the type of proxy, add a proxy and mark the desired group to which you want to add these accounts. There are many more settings to configure, we have only covered the main ones.

To check if the IP address works, click "Check proxy". If everything is "OK", you will see the green text “Connection test passed”. When you're done, click "OK".

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You will be automatically redirected to the “Groups” section and you will see a list of accounts. For each of them, there are special buttons for downloading accounts and setting browser fingerprints. 

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In the new window, add your login, password and account cookie. Optionally, specify one or more URLs to visit. 

To launch this acc in the browser, click on the blue "Open" button.

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Next, a new browser window will appear and you will be able to work with your account directly on Facebook. Log in and get started.

If you read the review and thought: “Yeah, so it's still long. I have 200 of these accs. Should I enter my login and password like this for everything?”, we will please you, because there is another option for loading profiles.

You can click on the “Batch import” button and upload up to 1000 accounts at once in a new window. If you don't know how to enter your account details correctly so that AdsPower can load them, the guys thought about loading them via Excel. You download the template, fill in and fill in as many accounts at once as you need.

To prevent the system of ad platforms from noticing that most of the actions are performed through a special service, AdsPower provides an RPA robot. To configure, go to the “RPA” - “Processes” section and create your own process or take one of the ready-made templates.

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During setup, you can specify the tasks required for the robot and even choose how long they will run.

To use it, select the necessary accounts and click on the RPA button, and then specify the required process.

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You set it up once, and then the robot itself goes to the necessary pages, creates the illusion of manual text entry, etc.

If you notice that you are missing some application in AdsPower, you can go to the "Marketplace" section and add it.

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To make some changes to the work process, go to the “Settings” - “Global settings” section and change them as you like.

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With AdsPower, you can also earn via referrals. To make this, in the “Referral” section, take a special link and invite colleagues through it. If one of those who connect to AdsPower using your link wants to use the paid version of the service, you will be charged 50% of the monthly subscription amount for this.

Regarding the overall impression of the office, it appears to be simple and without any noticeable issues or deficiencies. The only exception being the "Help Center", which is entirely in English, requiring non-English speakers to use a translation tool to understand its contents. Nevertheless, AdsPower is a noteworthy service that one can explore without financial investment.

AdsPower Pros 

Here are some potential pros of using AdsPower antidetect browser:

AdsPower prices

AdsPower antidetect browser has a pricing policy. This means that the cost of the service directly depends on what functions and how much you use.

The following versions are available:
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We believe that this approach is quite loyal. Choose a package based on your projects.

Bonus for AlienCPA subs

AdsPower gives our subs a bonus. Register in the AdsPower and get a 10% discount on your first purchase of one of the antidetect browser plans.


AdsPower is an antidetect browser that provides users with the ability to manage their accounts, automate routine actions, and avoid unnecessary bans. Its main function is to fill accounts multiple times and verify their status as live or banned, after which the accounts can be added to Dolphin or other services to launch campaigns. While the AdsPower functionality may suffice for individual users with a few accounts, it becomes a valuable tool for teams managing hundreds of accounts by streamlining routine tasks.

In addition to its core features, AdsPower offers various benefits such as the ability to earn referral commissions by inviting others to use the program, and users can receive 50% of their referral's first subscription purchase. We highly recommend taking a closer look at AdsPower, which can be explored for free!